Jan '08 Front Page

Living Mysore Magazine
January 2008/Issue #1

In this issue:
Living Mysore Note
My Shala "Ashtanga Yoga of Albuquerque" by Elise Espat
Food & Recipes "Chai Tea Muffins" by Hollie Carter
Mysore Highlight "Mysore Bum Tips" by CJ Jenkins
Practice Notes "Finding Ease in Difficulty" by Jaye Fox
Snapshot "The Gang at Tina's" by Michael Peter Carter

Living Mysore Note:
We are pleased to present you with this, our first issue of our Living Mysore Magazine! It is a modest start, but as with practice, we hope that with time it will grow and flourish. We have many big dreams for the next year, and we hope that by bringing together the worldwide Ashtanga community, we can accomplish them! The LivingMysore.com project began in passing over a table at Tina’s in Mysore. We first imagined an online bulletin board for people to connect with other local students to share rides, find restaurants, or trade services. As we talked further, the project transformed into what we proudly are able to share with you now: an online Mysore-specific community board, an image gallery featuring submissions from ashtangis around the world, and an online Ashtanga-inspired magazine. Living Mysore is all about bringing together the people, voices, inspiration, knowledge, and ideas from the Ashtanga community, and so, we hope that you’ll connect with us to share your experiences. We hope you enjoy our first issue, and have a happy and healthy New Year!

Michael and Elise

We humbly dedicate this project to our Guru, Sri K Pattabhi Jois, without whom, none of this would be possible. Thank you!

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